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Monday, 29 September 2014

2013 Hinshelwood and Sugden prizes

We are delighted to report that  the Hinshelwood and Sugden prizes for 2013 were given during the recent AGM meeting of the British Section in London.

The Sugden Prize 2013 for the best paper by a member of the British Section  has been awarded to a paper co-authored by Chrystie R.S.M., Burns I.S. and Kaminski C.F. "Temperature response of an acoustically-forced turbulent lean premixed flame: A quantitative experimental determination", published in Combustion Science and Technology 185, pp 180-199, 2013. The committee was chaired by Guillermo Rein with assistance from Nontas Mastorakos and Yajue Wu.

The Hinshelwood Prize 2013, in recognition of meritorious work by a younger member of the British Section, has been awarded to Dr Edward S. Richardson, Associate Professor at the University of Southampton, for outstanding work in computational analysis of two-phase reacting flows. The committee was chaired by Stewart Cant with assistance from Bill Jones and Neal Morgan.

Dr Burns was given the 2013 Sugden Prize by th chairman Prof Jones.
Dr Richardson was given the 2013 Hinshelwood Prize by the chairman Prof Jones

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